50 Cent, may have his home become just as valuable as his stage name, if he keeps lowering the price, to find a buyer in this struggling economy. He's so desperate he's slashed the asking price to almost half what he thought he could hand it over for.
His Connecticut mansion, which he purchased from psycho Mike Tyson boasts a theater, indoor pool, outdoor pool with a grado, huge kitchen (because he can cook), stripper pole and dance floor. He originally purchased the property for $4.1 million but, like an idiot added $6 Million dollars worth of rennovations.
50 orginally tried to list the 19 bedroom, 37 bathroom (wtf?), home for $18.5 Million. When nobody would buy it, he dropped it by $4 Million to $14.5 Million. That didn't work. He now lists the property for $10.9 Million, which considering the money he invested, the property taxes and the amount of time since he bought thr property, makes it a big loss.
The rapper is reportedly interesting in buying property in the City to be closer to work, but needs to drop this house like a bad habbit. Below are pictures of the house that once belonged to the ear biter himself.
Pictures via, TMZ.
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